quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

Emmanuel Ceriz

Emmanuel Ceriz
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'Emmanuel De Ceriz', or HKH KröhnPrinz Emmanüel J. Azeved Távora O. Wund Ceriz Ök Vïrkantzÿa is the Legitimate Head Member of the 'Royal House of Ceriz and Virkantzya'.

Royal House of Ceriz and Virkantzya, Coat of Arms
Born in exile, in Valadares, Portugal, in 1972, is the only son of A. Marius De Ceriz, Prince of Ceriz and Virkantzya, and of Elvira P. Azeved Alexievna grand granddaughter of Catarina the Great, Czarina of Russia.
Knight, writer, scientific researcher, art painter and musician, he is the descendent of the very ancient Virkantzya Royalty wich origins remains in the city of “CerizAy” from the very ancient “Principality of Ceriz Ay” located in the “deux-sèvres” county, about 13Km from Niort. The first Castle of “Ceriz Ay”, “le chateau de Ceriz Ay”, was built in the center of town from VIII th century. One of his ancient and well known ancestors was Guy de Ceriz (year of 1343), Lord of Ceriz (“Seigneur de Ceriz”), Prince of Ceriz, Grand Master of France [1].
Emmanuel De Ceriz created Transmutalism, a new thesis about Immortality explained in the books ”The Book of Meta-H”, 1995, "Transmutalism", 1999, and "Ignius", 2001.

HRH Prince Emmanuel de Cériz, Prince of Ceriz and Virkantzya
He also created a new mathematics theory, the "Transmutational Calculus", to explore the possibilities to transmute one thing into a completely different thing (essence and structure), A~>B (A transmuted in B), with A=/=B (A different from B). A new and more complete mathematics (in his vision) could be born with new axioms, for example “axiom one of Transmutalism”: A equal to B means, simultaneous, that A is different from B, this is a paradox regarding the usual accepted axiom of identity that says that one thing is equal (only) to itself; and all the actual mathematician building his based on it . To Transmutalism theory that axiom is incomplete and, subsequently, their “actual mathematician building”.
Transmutalism is also a new theory of Arts.

"Circle of Fire", oil in canvas by Cériz, 2001

"TransMorphosys", oil in wood painted by E. Cériz, 2001

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